
  • 1 Lesson

    Business | Efficient Team Collaboration: A Guide to Using”Microsoft Teams”

    |中文課程|快速學會如何高效率地使用Microsoft Teams與團隊進行協作。
  • 1 Lesson

    Business | Financial Statements

    | 中文課程 | 本課程幫助夥伴迅速提高財務智商與思維,掌控運營狀況,並有效地與決策。
  • 10 Lessons

    Business | How do you effectively recognize talent during the recruiting process?

  • 6 Lessons

    Business | Introduction to Patents & Patent Practice

    | 中文 & English | 什麼東西可以申請專利? 專利如何申請? 面對專利審查時,應如何應對審查委員發出的意見呢? 本課程邀請 台灣先智專利商標事務所 陳志銘 台灣專利師 / 中國專利代理師以及 Asato Wilfred 美國專利師共同開設,從基本專利出發,緊接著介紹申請專業檢索須知,並從實務面出發,講解電子、軟體、機械類專利審查的必知知識。 What can be patented? How to apply for a patent? When facing patent examination, how should we respond to the opinions issued by the examination committee? This course invites Chen Zhiming, a Taiwan patent attorney, and Asato Wilfred, an American patent attorney, to jointly offer this course. Starting from basic patents, it will then introduce the application for professional search instructions, and from a practical perspective, explain electronics, Must-know knowledge for software and mechanical patent examination.
  • 4 Lessons

    Business | Key Indexes of Management

    | 中文課程 | 透過本課程,夥伴將可以利用課堂所學,在日常營運中快速判讀部門的財務指標,利用這些數據,了解部門財務或營運狀況。
  • 7 Lessons

    Business | Metacamp

    | 中文課程 | 人類社會進入虛擬與實體融合的年代,無論是線上教育、娛樂、社交、影視,體育,商務會議,零售,都高速線上化。Metaverse 代表的是一種新的生活型態,也代表商務的巨大變革。而挪移線上的其中一個成敗關鍵,就在於「沉浸式體驗」。 各行各業都需要去更深度理解體驗經濟在線上與線下融合的場景下,如何來打造,如何吸引顧客與創造價值。
  • 7 Lessons

    Business | Performance Goal Setting

  • 1 Lesson

    Business | Talent Recruitment and Performance Interviewing Skills_2022

  • 1 Lesson

    Business | Target Management and Work Guidance

  • 3 Lessons

    Business | The Rise of New Business

    | ENGLISH | Shape The Future is an episode provides intrapreneur experience inside Cooler Master. You can hear the story from Little Bosses, and they will share insights on how to start a business and entrepreneurial adventure. Inspiring from our own successes! Think outside the box and embrace new ideas!  We warmly welcome you to join Academy’s learning community to share your professions and experience, Enjoy the moment when intrapreneurs share their passion on the stage. Let's get excited and shape the future together!
  • 6 Lessons

    Business | Value Innovation in the Age of AI

    |中文課程| 特邀業界專家介紹人工智慧在個人、組織到產業的應用,探討AI創新與挑戰。並透過實際的AI工具操作展示如何提升工作效率,使AI成為解決工作文件的可靠助手。
  • 7 Lessons

    Business|Effective Coaching and Guidance

  • 19 Lessons

    CM | 30th Anniversary Product Introduction

    Cooler Master 30 週年特展回顧!這次的我們邀請各個 BU 負責人介紹他們精心策畫的產品,分為兩大展區──未來體驗區、現代工藝區。這些產品不僅展現了我們在技術和設計上的優勢,更是得到了廣大用戶的認可和喜愛。歡迎 CM 夥伴們一同重溫 30 週年特展,讓大家更深入了解 Cooler Master 的品牌價值和產品特色。
  • 2 Lessons

    CM | BPM Expense Reimbursement Training

  • 7 Lessons

    CM | Business Unit Introduction

    | 中文課程 | 透過各事業單位介紹,增加彼此商業計畫了解與交流,提高團隊協作效率。
  • 3 Lessons

    CM | CMC Company Profile

    | 中文課程 |

    探索如何運用簡報,將Cooler Master Corp的核心價值、技術完整呈現。


  • 1 Lesson

    CM | CMT Company Profile

    | 中文課程 | 本課程將帶你深入了解Cooler Master Technology,以及公司對Tech Lifestyle的獨特理念。從個人化產品設計到沉浸式體驗,再到Cooler Master的品牌精神,我們將一一解析。  
  • 5 Lessons

    CM | Cooler Master Technology Product Introduction_2023

  • 3 Lessons

    CM | CPTS Product Training_2024

    |中文課程| 本課程專為公司內部夥伴設計,提供有關Case(機殼)、Power(電源)、Thermal(散熱器)三大核心產品線的全面介紹。課程涵蓋技術與知識的傳承以及最新產品的介紹與說明,旨在幫助夥伴們深入理解這些產品的設計理念、技術應用和市場定位。
  • 10 Lessons

    CM | Founder’s Forum_2023

    | with English subtitles | In this course, we have invited the founder of Cooler Master, to share his leadership experiences and insights with our participants. He will guide our employees in reflecting on how to face the challenges and opportunities in the business world.