new employee orientation, COOMAA STyle

Courses To Make You Fit Right In

Welcome to your Employee Orientation on COOMAA. Here you will learn how to connect to other newly hired employees and build your first professional relationships and teams. You will learn about different departments and their role within the company. The COOMAA employee orientation makes you aware of company policies and expectations, handles essential paperwork, and answers any questions or concerns you may have before you transition into your new positions.

新人必修課程 New Employee required Courses

All the need-to-know about Cooler Master and COOMAA, right here. Complete all courses to obtain the Training Pass.

新人推薦課程 Suggestions for Newcomers

企業領袖會議 Cooler master Summit

精選推薦 COOMAA Recommendations

worth 1,000US$ for full registeration
1 CC
of potential Member connections
1 s
growing Selection of Courses
1 +

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Join the community and become an active part of the “make it yours” culture. Offering more than a social chat, COOMAA hosts a truly professional platform for learning, connecting and building relationships.
